photo diary: living room reno

I really wanted to share some process photos from when we renovated our living area. There are so many moments I had forgotten about either on purpose or just through time! If you have ever re-decorated a house you probably know that there are soooo many ups and downs. I am a crier so I think I cried at least twice a week throughout the process- either through tiredness, excitement, happiness, sadness or just cause I was fed up. But looking back it’s amazing to see how it looked at all the different stages and it’s made me excited to get on with the next room (we are tackling the hallway next!!). We started by having the ceilings skimmed as there was some horrible textured paint before. We then paused to celebrate two birthdays amidst the dust, and then we proceeded to paint, sand, stain, build etc for 3 weeks ready for when our friends came to stay. We literally put the tools away and moved all the stuff out of the spare room 30 minutes before they arrived- but they did have somewhere to sleep! It was the craziest 3 weeks, especially as this is our first home and still have no idea what we are doing, but it was so so much fun and we have some lovely photos to remember it by!

So here is what happened in photo form:



Staining the floor made the biggest difference
Putting up the panneling


My 25th Birthday Brunch complete with skimmed ceilings and A LOT of dust!


Textured ceiling


The before of the table
I think I painted for 16 hours straight for 3 days till this was done! Its the wood work that’s the killer
Our improved dining table
The dining chair decision was the absolute hardest! We just couldn’t decide- but Dan chose these and I love them 🙂



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living area refurb: before and after

I flippin’ love a good before and after so I decided to do some of my own! We moved into our first house in July last year and started the renovations pretty much straight away. The main living space was one of the first rooms we did and I’m so glad we did because it’s made everything else more manageable. We basically did the main things in 3 weeks last November (because we had friends coming to stay and it needed usable for that) and since then we have just slowly been adding furniture and all the pretty bits (I am LOVING this part). Overall we are really happy with it and I can’t wait to keep adding all the finishing touches … like Art on the walls etc.

Starting off with the Before: ( these were taken when we viewed the property Feb 2017)

And then when we moved in:


And finally what it looks like now:

IMG_9211IMG_9214IMG_9189IMG_9171We basically gave the place a face lift. We sanded the floors and stained them a darker wood, we painted all the walls, doors, wood work and fireplace. We had the ceilings skimmed to get rid of the textured paint and the brought in all our own furnishings with the exception of our dining table which we got with the house and I just re-painted.
